We do not accept any form of encrypted digital currency.
Most of the bags are equipped with a box and a dustproof bag. If very few bags do not provide a box and a dustproof bag when they leave the factory, we can also purchase a matching box and dustproof bag for you.
Yes, we accept, you just need to provide the correct address. For you, it can avoid many risks.
Generally speaking, 2-3 days, please allow us 2-3 days to contact the factory, quality inspection and packaging.
yes, we will re-ship them, and you don't need to pay for the shipping cost of resending.
Similarly, we will resend, and you do not need to bear the cost of resending. Generally the package will not be detained by customs.
We do not bear the cost of resending or replacing goods caused by non-product quality problems; we also do not bear any costs caused by rejection.
You can contact us by whatsapp, email, phone, but please pay attention to the time difference.